Escape from New York and Snake Plissken's Unforgettable Adventure

Get ready for a wild ride in the science fiction classic “Escape from New York” where Snake Plissken takes on a future Manhattan that’s more chaotic than your last family reunion.

A photo of Kurt Russell as Snake in the 1980's science fiction movie Escape from New York.
Kurt Russell in the 1980's science fiction movie Escape from New York.

In "Escape from New York," John Carpenter takes us to a future where Manhattan isn't just a bustling city—it's a massive maximum security prison.

The film stars Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken, an eye-patch-wearing, too-cool-for-school antihero who exudes as much warmth as an ice cube. His mission? Save the President of the United States after Air Force One crashes straight into the heart of this urban hellscape.

Full movie - Escape from New York

Carpenter not only directs but immerses you in this gritty, neon-lit world with a soundtrack that perfectly captures the essence of 80s coolness.

The movie blends action, science fiction, and a generous dose of political cynicism, making it clear that trust in authority figures is at an all-time low.

In short, the movie "Escape from New York" offers a wild ride through a dystopian landscape, breaking all the usual rules as chaos reigns. Get ready because this review is jumping headfirst into a cinematic journey that's anything but ordinary.


In a bleak future, crime has spiraled out of control, leading the government to take drastic measures by transforming Manhattan into an enormous, lawless prison.

The government erects towering walls around the island, creating a place where criminals fend for themselves.

The story kicks off when Air Force One is hijacked and crashes right in the heart of this chaotic urban jungle, leaving the President of the United States trapped inside.

The President being held captive by the Duke.

The situation seems hopeless, but there's one man who might just be crazy enough to pull off a rescue, Snake Plissken, a hardened ex-soldier with an eye patch and a lousy attitude.

The authorities make Snake an offer he can't refuse. If he can save the President within 24 hours, they'll erase his criminal record. To make sure he doesn't skip town, they inject him with tiny explosives that will detonate if he fails to complete the mission on time.

With no other choice, Snake dives headfirst into the decaying streets of Manhattan, navigating through a landscape filled with violent gangs, deranged inhabitants, and unexpected allies.

Along the way, he encounters Cabbie, a cheerful taxi driver who knows the city's secrets, and The Duke, the self-appointed ruler of the prison island.

As Snake battles his way through this dystopian nightmare, he faces numerous dangers, from ambushes to booby traps, all while racing against the clock. His journey is a rollercoaster of tension and action, with every corner bringing a new challenge.

The story builds to a tense climax, where Snake faces the ultimate test of his resourcefulness and sheer grit.

In the end, he manages to outsmart everyone, delivering a surprising twist that leaves both the characters and the audience reeling.

"Escape from New York" isn't just about saving the President. It's a thrilling, high-energy adventure that dives headfirst into the gritty, unfiltered world John Carpenter has expertly crafted.


In "Escape from New York," John Carpenter doesn't just give us a fun, dystopian romp. He also throws in some heavy themes, all while making us laugh at the absurdity of it all.

First, the movie screams, "Don't trust the government," louder than a conspiracy theorist at a rally. The authorities are so shady they actually put explosives in Snake Plissken's neck to keep him on a leash.

That's right, they literally can't trust him to save the President without a ticking time bomb as motivation. It's like putting a cherry bomb in your kid's lunchbox to make sure he eats his vegetables.

Then there's the theme of survival, which is more intense than a game of dodgeball with porcupines. Manhattan has turned into a free-for-all where the only rule is there are no rules.

Everyone's out for themselves, and the only way to make it is by being tougher and meaner than the next guy. It's basically Darwin's theory of evolution but with more leather jackets and crossbows.

And let's not forget our antihero, Snake Plissken, who is so cool he makes ice cubes shiver. Snake Plissken isn't in it to save the world. He just wants to survive the madness and escape in one piece.

The film flirts with the idea of redemption, but Snake isn't about to get all sappy on us. He's more interested in flipping off the establishment and getting a good laugh in the process.

So, while "Escape from New York" might seem like just another action movie, it's actually a witty commentary on mistrust, survival, and sticking it to the man—all served with a generous helping of Carpenter's signature coolness.

Who Will Watch This Movie

So, who's lining up to watch "Escape from New York"? Well, if you're a fan of action movies where the hero has more attitude than a teenager with a new driver's license, this is your jam.

With his eye patch and don't-care vibe, Snake Plissken is the guy you wish you could be when your boss asks you to work late.

Science fiction enthusiasts will eat this up, too, because who doesn't love a future where Manhattan is basically one big no-parking zone for criminals?

Nostalgia buffs, this movie is like a time capsule from the 80s, complete with a synth soundtrack that screams "big hair and neon lights."  It's perfect for anyone who misses the days when the biggest worry was whether your VCR would eat your favorite tape.

And let's not forget those who enjoy a good chuckle at dark humor. The film has enough snarky lines and ridiculous scenarios to keep you laughing, even when things get tense.

In short, this movie is your ticket if you're into badass antiheroes, post-apocalyptic chaos, or just want to see Kurt Russell in all his rugged glory.

So grab some snacks, put on your best scowl, and get ready for a wild, ridiculous ride through a world where the rules don't matter, and the only thing cooler than Snake's attitude is his leather jacket.