Stormtroopers vs. Red Shirts
A Battle for the Ages—or at Least for Our Amusement. Who wins in a battle of science fiction blunders? Stormtroopers vs. Red Shirts explores the hilarity, chaos, and ultimate ineptitude of two iconic groups in an epic clash of missed shots and doomed missions.

The galaxy is vast, dangerous, and chock-full of unlikely heroes and even unlikelier cannon fodder. Yet, among its star-studded denizens, two groups have carved out legendary reputations —not for their prowess, but for their peculiar ineptitude.
On one side, we have the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers, infamous for their inability to hit the broad side of a Death Star. On the other, Starfleet's red shirts, so named for their uncanny knack of meeting untimely ends before the opening credits finish rolling.
What would happen if these two titans of tragicomic science fiction lore faced off in battle? It would be a clash so epically absurd that its mere contemplation might make Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas exchange bemused chuckles in the afterlife.
Let's dive into this hypothetical confrontation and examine the mechanics of what can only be described as a comedy of errors with laser beams.
An Overview of Incompetence

Stormtroopers are the soldiers who never score. When it comes to stormtroopers, the image is iconic —gleaming white armor, E-11 blaster rifles, and a swagger that suggests they're about to miss every shot they take.
Despite rigorous training and theoretically high-tech equipment, stormtroopers have achieved meme status for their collective inability to shoot straight.
If aim were their only problem, perhaps they'd be salvageable, but throw in helmet visors that seem to actively obscure vision and a tendency to march en masse into easily avoided traps, and you've got yourself the galaxy's most expendable workforce.
Psychologically, one can only imagine the toll of knowing your entire existence is summed up by the phrase, "close, but no cigar."
Red Shirts are a universal precautionary tale. Meanwhile, in the Star Trek universe, red shirts are synonymous with one thing, dying.
Often security personnel or engineers, these poor souls are sent on away missions with the same level of optimism as a cow at a barbecue. In spite of Starfleet's insistence that they're valuable members of the crew, the universe has a grudge against them. Aliens, exploding consoles, and mysterious space illnesses find red shirts like phasers set to "seek and destroy."
Unlike stormtroopers, red shirts don't even get the dubious dignity of armor. They're typically armed with phasers and an alarming lack of situational awareness. Yet somehow, their fatalistic bravery remains endearing. If courage is knowing you're doomed and going anyway, red shirts might just be heroes in disguise.
The Battlefield
The setting for this clash of calamity is a newly discovered planet aptly named Perpetua Ridicula, a celestial sandbox designed for maximum chaos.
- Terrain —A mix of dense forests, treacherous cliffs, and oddly placed lava flows. Stormtroopers would likely trip over roots while red shirts inexplicably find themselves standing under falling boulders.
- Wildlife —Think carnivorous plants with impeccable comedic timing and venomous creatures that are mysteriously drawn to unprotected skin.
- Ancient Ruins —Filled with traps so obvious even Indiana Jones would roll his eyes. Expect plenty of laser-triggered chaos.
The Hypothetical Battle
Let the battle begin between trooper and red shirt.

The Opening Salvo
The fight begins predictably. A squad of stormtroopers spots a group of red shirts and opens fire. Blaster bolts fly wildly, hitting everything except their targets.
Trees are scorched, rocks explode, and one stormtrooper somehow manages to shoot his own foot.
The red shirts, initially startled, dive for cover and cautiously return fire with their phasers. Their shots are marginally more accurate but tend to hit inanimate objects just as often as their enemies.
Mid-battle Madness
As both sides realize the enemy is equally incompetent, the battle descends into chaos. A stormtrooper accidentally triggers a volcanic eruption, while a red shirt attempts to scale a cliff, only to be attacked by a swarm of laser-resistant alien bees.
Friendly fire abounds. Stormtroopers trip over one another while red shirts misfire, taking out their own tricorders in the process.
Turning the Tide
In an unexpected twist, the red shirts' reliance on improvisation gives them a slight edge. One clever ensign uses his phaser to create a diversion by triggering a rockslide, which conveniently sweeps away an entire squad of stormtroopers. Another red shirt discovers a local plant with hallucinogenic properties and uses it to confuse the remaining Imperials.
The Final Act
The climactic showdown occurs within the ancient ruins. A stormtrooper's errant blaster shot activates a long-dormant teleportation device, sending the remaining troopers to an uncharted galaxy.
The red shirts, battered and bewildered, are left to claim a hollow victory. They beam back to the Enterprise, where they will likely die in unrelated incidents before the next episode.
A Victory
Ultimately, the battle between stormtroopers and red shirts is less about strategy and more about survival by default.
The stormtroopers' defeat underscores their tragicomic inability to hit anything, while the red shirts' improbable victory serves as a reminder that even the most expendable crew members can have their day in the sun —however brief it might be.
So here's to stormtroopers and red shirts, the unsung icons of science fiction's comedic side. They remind us that even in the face of galactic danger, there's always room for a good laugh. And if nothing else, they've taught us an important lesson —always duck when the shooting starts.